July 2020 Congregational Newsletter
Following Government and Church of Scotland guidance regarding the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, our Church buildings remain closed for Public Worship. The Church of Scotland has issued guidance on the reopening of church buildings and our Management Committee, in compliance with this Guidance, has put in place a team to consider what would be required to ensure a safe return to Public Worship. The following is an excerpt from the Government’s Guidance document:
“It is essential that congregations take some time to plan the re-opening of their Church buildings. Even though the Scottish Government may announce that Church buildings can re-open from a specific day, there is no requirement to do so. Only re-open your Church buildings if it is safe to do so and when you have considered all the requirements within this Guidance document.”
Measures are being considered to ensure the continuity and accessibility of Online Worship Services for those who would be unable or uncomfortable returning to Public Worship in the present circumstances. These measures include Live Streaming our Services and the provision of a new Church website. Quotes have been received for the construction of a Church website and, if any of the congregation would like to provide alternative quotes and are able to complete the work within the next 4 weeks, then please get in touch with Session Clerk John Cunningham at fideach@btinternet.com.
The Minister will be taking the first two weeks in July off. Thanks to Rev TK Shadakshari
(07403 697138) who will be providing pastoral cover during this period.
‘My Beloved’
You may be feeling lonely or isolated or disconnected but we are told, as lockdown eases, that there is light at the end of the tunnel. For the believer, there is light in the tunnel! One of the ways of interpreting Song of Songs is as an allegory of the relationship between God and the Church or between Christ and the Christian. In this Scripture, consider Christ to be the beloved who is addressing you, his bride (Song of Songs 2: 10-13).
“My beloved spoke and said to me, ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth, the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit, the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me’.”
So Christ would say to you: ‘You need to know how I feel about you. You are beautiful and I want to walk with you into a new season. The season of barrenness has passed and a season of fruitfulness lies ahead’. As Adam walked with God in the cool of the day in the Garden, so Christ delights in your company and wants you with him. To be wanted and loved by Jesus for who we are has got to be the ultimate accolade. Forget what others say, forget what you say about yourself, you are held in high esteem in Heavenly realms.
Your Lord wants you to be with him and he wants to be with you. So think of yourself as highly loved by your Creator. Realise that Christ considers you worth giving his life for. Spiritual poverty would have us say, “Surely I’m not worth it”. But Christ would love us for our humility and he would say to you, “Yes you are worth it! There is a new time coming, arise my beautiful companion and run with me to the higher place. Come away with me”. It is Christ’s love for you that is in view here. The next time you look at yourself in the mirror, see what he sees!
Worship Resources
Online Sunday Services are available on the Church Facebook page from 11.00am every Sunday. The Sunday service is also available on Stornoway High Church’s YouTube channel and on soundcloud. If you would like a direct link sent to you for these, and for the Minister’s daily devotionals, please email gmacleod@churchofscotland.org.uk.
For those that do not have Internet connection, the Sunday sermons are also available over the telephone. This service is used weekly by around 20 people. Simply dial 01851 746036 to get the latest sermon from 11.00am Sundays. There are no call charges.
Isles FM also broadcast Sunday services with various preachers at 4.00pm and 8.00pm each Sunday.
A midweek message is broadcast on Facebook Live at 7.30pm every Wednesday and this is followed by a 30 minute Zoom Prayer Meeting. An email link for this Zoom Prayer Meeting can be sent out to you on request. Once you have the Meeting ID and Password details, you can also dial in to the Meeting by phoning 0203 695 0088. Normal call charges apply if you choose to dial in.
Pastoral Care Network
Our existing Visitation Teams, led by the Minister, are phoning around the housebound and vulnerable. If you would like to speak to the Minister, call 07717 065739 during office hours or email. If you are worried about anyone please let us know and our team can follow it up.
High Church Food Bank
Thank you for your generous contributions to our Food Bank. Demand for this service continues. The safest way to contribute is by cash donation through the secure mailbox on the outside wall of the small sanctuary (Goathill Road entrance) or through Bank Transfer referenced ‘Foodbank’. (call our Treasurer, Mrs Annie Smith, on 07972 935105 for Church bank details). You can also call one of our Food Bank team in confidence: Jann – 07985 710410, Fiona – 07484 844485. Thanks to Jann and Fiona for their service.
Church Givings
We continue to be humbled by the sacrificial giving of the congregation. Thank you for your generosity and your devotion to the Lord and his church. The present arrangements for Freewill Offering envelopes will continue. Many have changed to monthly Bank Standing Order and we commend this method of giving as the most efficient way to support the church. Another way of supporting the church through these difficult times is to sign up for Gift Aid which allows the Church to reclaim an additional percentage of your offering from the Inland Revenue, at no cost to you. This makes a huge difference to our finances so please consider it. If you would like to make arrangements, please contact Annie Smith on 07972 935105.
A Prayer for our People
Our Lord and our God we commit ourselves afresh to your mission in this world. Our human efforts are frail, weak and ineffective. But with you by our side, Lord Jesus, we are able to do anything. Lord we pray for your protection over the congregation, family and friends of Stornoway High Church. Watch over us, equip us and make us a blessing to many. Amen.
Rev Gordon Macleod
Mr John Cunningham
Session Clerk