Stornoway High Church Christmas Newsletter 2024


“All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ [which means ‘God with us’]”  (Matthew 1, v22-23)

REFLECTION:  This is something we often do at this time of year.  When we take time to reflect, we realise what is important and what is not.  Christmas traditionally is a family time, a time when we can be together and set the troubles and travails of life aside for a moment and bless each other with gifts and goodwill.  The empty seat is a poignant reminder of those no longer with us.  As a church family we have lost some dear and precious members of our congregation and, while there is a sadness that comes with that, there is also a thankfulness in having known them and having been known by them.  There is also a joy that comes from new members being added to the family and. if you are relatively new to the congregation, we thank God for you.  May you know and experience God’s love in and through the Stornoway High Church family.

Diane and I are truly thankful to be part of that family.  We consider ourselves to be richly blessed and we thank you for the love and support you continue to show us.  We are brothers and sisters in Christ.  Our love for Christ is what binds us together and serving our Lord together is a joy and a pleasure.  We look forward to the New Year, echoing Mary’s words as she responded to the Angel of the Lord in humble obedience: “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1, v38)


Friday 20 December at 7.30pm - Christmas Praise Night in the Church Hall

Sunday 22 December at 11.00am - Christmas Family Service and, at 6.30 pm - Evening Service

Tuesday 24 December at 7.30pm - Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve Service in the Church Hall

Christmas Day, 25 December at 12.45pm - Christmas Day Lunch in the Tea Hall (pre-booking required on 07823 323070);  

Sunday 29 December at 11.00am – Morning Service and at 6.30pm – Evening Service

New Year’s Day, Wednesday 1 January at 7.30pm Evening Prayer Service for the New Year.  The congregation are invited to write prayers that can be read out on the night.

CHURCH:  This year saw an upgrade to our main Sanctuary media and sound system and the provision of a small performance platform similar to facilities in the Church Hall.  Music enhances our worship and allows us to use the gifts and talents the Lord has provided us with as a Church.  We are grateful to our talented musicians who do so much to enrich our worship on organ, keyboard and a cappella.

This year also saw the installation of a Defibrillator alongside the Goathill Road entrance to the Hall providing this essential service to the congregation and the public.

THURSDAY LUNCH:  From 1.00pm to 2.00pm on the last Thursday of each month (from January), come and enjoy a Soup & Sandwich Lunch.  Catch up with your Church family and listen to a different speaker each month.  Guests welcome.

SOUNDS FAMILIAR: Our monthly community singing group has gone from strength to strength, meeting on the first Thursday of the month between 2.30pm and 3.45pm.  Come along and join us for a fun, informal afternoon of nostalgia and rekindle musical memories through well-known songs of old.  This is done in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland and resumes on Thursday 6 February 2025.

SUNDAY SCHOOL & YOUTH GROUP  Resumes on Sunday 12 January 2025.  We use modern media to engage and communicate with our children and young people the wonderful news of Christ with us, not just at Christmas but throughout the year.  Join us for a relaxed teaching and discussion time as we focus on the teachings of Jesus and their relevance for today.  New Year – New start!

Crèche facilities are available on request.  Please speak to the Minister or Sunday School teachers in advance so we can provide it.  Regular Messy Church activities also take place where parents can enjoy creative play time with their Kids around Biblical themes.

WORSHIP RESOURCES:  Our Sunday and midweek Services continue to be livestreamed, 11.00am and 6.30pm Sundays and 7.30pm on Wednesdays.  These worship Services are available on our Church Facebook page, on our YouTube channel and on our website,  Live streaming is a great service, especially for those who are incapacitated or off-island, but there is nothing like being in Church.  Services can also be accessed free of charge by phone on 0330 124 8483.

BLOG: From January, a ‘Minister’s Blog’ will be introduced to reflect on topical events and keep the congregation informed.  Special guest blogs will be introduced to add variety and flavour.  This will be available on our website with a link to Facebook.

ALPHA COURSE: The High Church will be running an Alpha Course (Introduction to Christianity) on Monday nights from 7.00pm to 8.00pm at the Bridge Centre, Bayhead Street.  If you, or anyone you know, is interested in exploring faith you are invited to come along; we gather from 6.45pm for introductions and a cuppa.  The course begins on Monday 3 February and runs to the end of March.

PASTORAL CARE NETWORK:   If you would like to be added to the list for visitation by our team, or if you are aware of anyone who might benefit from a visit, please get in touch with the Minister on 07717 065739.

HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK:   This is a confidential and discreet service and is there for community use.  If you think someone would benefit from the service, please let them know about our Food Bank.  To use this service please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 357410.

THANKS:  The Kirk Session and Management Team would like to thank those who serve in the growing number of ministries in Stornoway High Church.  Thanks to our Comms and Media team, our Organist and Pianist, our Hospitality Team, our Sunday School and Youth Teachers and those on Cleaning and Door rotas.  Thanks also to our Property Team and those who help maintain our lovely Church gardens.  Thanks to those who organise and distribute our Foodbank products, to our Home Visitation Team and to our Flower Ministry volunteers and thanks to those who organise our new Women’s ministry LIFT High.  Thanks to those who organise and help set up and serve the Christmas Day Lunch and a big thanks to our Treasurer and her team.  Finally, thanks to you, our congregation, for your support and generosity without which none of these ministries would be possible.  “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you?” (1 Thess 3, v9)

We are constantly in need of volunteers so, If you are able to serve our Church in any way, please contact Duncan Macinnes on 07748 332595 or the Minister on 07717 065739.

A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK:  Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus, known simply as ‘Tertullian’, was a prolific Christian author living under Roman rule in Carthage, North Africa from 160AD to 240AD.  He was the theological pacesetter as the New Testament Church expanded rapidly into the Latin-speaking world. Before long, these new Christians of Carthage came under suspicion from their neighbours and the authorities because they were so different …. but they were just being faithful to the teaching of Jesus who, as he washed his disciples’ feet, had said, “Love one another as I have loved you”.  The Church of Carthage was a God-centred family; people looked out for one another, secondary theological differences were set aside, grudges were dropped, pride and envy were kept in check, no cliques existed, people were slow to anger and quick to apologise and personal desires and priorities were set aside to be replaced by sacrificial, life-affirming love. Observing all this, Tertullian wrote, “It is mainly the deeds of a love so noble that lead many to put a brand upon us: see how these Christians love one another… how they are ready even to die for one another”.

As another year comes to a close, the word ‘together’ is surely the motto of our close knit Stornoway High Church family and it could also be said of us, “see how these Christians love one another”.  But make no mistake; our unity - like the grace by which we are saved - is not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.  A gift we should never take for granted.  “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Cor 1, v10)

PRAYER: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being with us and for bringing your light into our lives and for the beacon of hope and peace you are to us and the world around us.  May we continue to hold you in our hearts and to treasure you and each other in this time of remembering the reason for the season.  Pour out your blessings on your people and upon your Church and equip us in the year ahead as we seek to proclaim the Name Above All Names, Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN

Rev Gordon Macleod (Minister)

Mr John Cunningham (Session Clerk)


Our community singalong is back for Spring 2025


Christmas 2024 Services