Psalms of Comfort 21: Never Give Up On God

I woke up today after a busy week and thought maybe I will have a day off God, take my mind out of preparing services and devotionals and Christian reading and just do something else. I read this psalm and realized I don’t even want to take a day off God. After all, he never takes a day off me.

Have you ever read a psalm and felt that you have been given a precious gift, a gift you wouldn’t have had if you had taken a day off God?

Psalm 145 (The Message Translation)

13 God always does what he says and is gracious in everything he does.

God never gives up. When Moses said, “Here I am, send Aaron,” God didn’t give up. When Peter worshipped him at the supper and cursed him at the fire, he didn’t give up. So the next time doubt walks into your life, remember the cross, where in holy blood is written the promise: “God would give up his only Son before he’d give up on you.”

God’s faithfulness has never depended on the faithfulness of his children. He is faithful even when we aren’t. Just read the whole psalm and let his goodness soak into you. How has he dealt with you in the past? Is your experience that he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love? Oh what a promise to hold on to. The times that we are in have been the opposite yet he bestows upon us grace upon grace. He is good to all, he has compassion on all he made. Not just the select few but to all he has made. Even those that don’t give him a second thought.


Are you feeling as if you have fallen, are you feeling down in your spirit? He reaches out to you and he lifts you up like a parent who picks up a child that has fallen and grazed their knee.

He has a bountiful store of resources that will satisfy every living thing. If you are hard to please and discontent, turn your face to God and he will satisfy you. Nothing is too difficult for God. No heart too hard to melt. Call upon him in truth and he will fulfil your desires.

What a God, what a Saviour, who would want a day off God?

May you know His faithfulness, His grace and His love today, praise His holy name for ever and ever.


Psalms of Comfort 22: God’s Comfort


Psalms of Comfort 20: Footprints On Your Heart