Minister’s Blog
Psalms of Comfort 22: God’s Comfort
The psalmists experience is that no matter the feeling of darkness that surrounds us, God will be there to take us through it, teach us and comfort us.
Psalms of Comfort 21: Never Give Up On God
God’s faithfulness has never depended on the faithfulness of his children. He is faithful even when we aren’t.
Psalms of Comfort 20: Footprints On Your Heart
Today, if we are willing, we can take small steps to become more like him.
Psalms of Comfort 19: Be Still — He is With You
I find that meditating on Gods wonderful works gives me a sense of my place in his creation. We all have a place in it and continue to have a place in it.
Psalms of Comfort 18: A Shepherd at All Times (Psalm 139)
The Lord is our shepherd at all times, for the comfortable, for the isolated, for those in want, for those in trouble, when we look up He is with us.
Psalms of Comfort 17: You Have Value… Just as You Are
You have been created by the greatest artist there ever was and your value is priceless.
Psalms of Comfort 16: The Ultimate Choice
There will always be tension between God’s providence and our free will. Did God choose it for us or did we choose it ourselves?
Psalms of Comfort 15: Looking For Real Change
No matter if it’s business or more personally related, consider the prayer of David: “Create in me a new heart, O God.”
Psalms of Comfort 14: Fill Your Heart With God’s Grace
God is recreating all the time, we see that in the world around us, we see that in the ever expanding heavens as astronomers discover new galaxies and features in the night sky.
Psalms of Comfort 13: Who Are You Going to Trust?
Where do you place your faith, who do you trust. Listen to psalm 65 and decide if David’s God is worth trusting.
Psalms of Comfort 12: Psalm 65
In learning to depend on God we must accept that we may not know all the answers, but we know who knows the answers.
Psalms of Comfort 11: Our Protection Plan
The strange thing about Gods protection plan is that it costs everything but it is free.
Psalms of Comfort 10: Longing for God
This psalm conveys a longing for God. A longing to worship God in his sanctuary. In his dwelling place.
Psalms of Comfort 9: Psalm 138, The Divine Presence
Our goal in life seems to be a pursuit to think more highly of ourselves, to achieve more and to improve our place. Strive, strive, strive.
Psalms of Comfort 8: Psalm 34 v1–8
How does the Lord help us when we cry out from the place of humility and nothingness?
Psalms of Comfort 7: God’s Testimony
There is no more powerful testimony than God’s word. It is a testimony that is alive.
Psalms of Comfort 6: Groundhog Day
I don’t know about you, but I woke up this monday morning and it really feels like the last 10 lockdown Monday mornings.
Psalms of Comfort 5: The Desires of Your Heart
Our lives have been shaken, and it seems that we have nowhere for the pent up frustrations, worries and desires to release to.