Psalms of Comfort 7: God’s Testimony
We all love to listen to testimony don’t we, I remember when I began to become curious about the work of God in peoples lives, I loved to hear other peoples testimony. Some of them were really dramatic and others were a simple acknowledgement that they couldn’t remember a time in their lives when they didn’t believe. Testimony is a powerful thing. Some times you hear testimonies from people who profess faith and a short time later they drift off back into the world again. So was their testimony real or were they deluded?
They were perhaps like the seed that didn’t take root, it didn’t land on good soil. Our testimony isn’t a one time experience, it is a long time experience. We live it every day. Our lives and the way we live them are our testimony.
But there is no more powerful testimony than God’s word. It is a testimony that is alive. It is often referred to as the living word of God. To experience it we come to it every day and let it speak to us.
Lets read psalm 19 and listen to the psalmists testimony…
The second part of the psalm refers to God’s testimony through his word and the first part of the psalm refers to God’s testimony through his creation. He has provided that to speak to us. The wonderful testimony of the heavens which declare the glory of God and reveal his power, each new day speaks of God’s creation, the rising of the sun, the seasons that change, the spring growth, the rain that nourishes the ground and sees the crops grow, the chirping of the birds, the chicks that the spring brings into this world. Every morning I look at the little birds flying in and out of my eves as they bring food for their little ones in the nest. The waves that crash on the shore and change its landscape, the tides that clean the beaches in one moment and deposit the oceans debris in the next. The testimony of God is all around us.
A testimony is only useful if we become aware of it, if we tune in to it and listen to it. So lets this weekend tune into God’s testimony through his word and through his world.