As you know we have a hall and Kitchen upgrade planned for which we have partial funding from Scottish Government adapt and thrive fund. We are exploring different options to meet the remainder of the funding and one of these options is to hold a ‘Day of Giving’
The Church of Scotland allow us to do that between September and October with all funds raised going to our specific project. It will not form part of our contribution to Church of Scotland ministries and missions.
Our day of giving season will start from Sunday 3rd Oct and will continue through the month of October.
If you wish to contribute you can do so in several ways;
Those that make their contributions by on line banking can do it the same way and simply include the reference ‘Day of Giving’(D.O.G.) or put it in an envelope with their name on it to allow gift aid to be claimed and put it in the collection plate.
Those that use church free will envelopes can put your D.O.G. donation in the same envelope but make sure you put a note in to say how much you want put to D.O.G.
Alternatively you can put your donation in a plain envelope marked D.O.G. but you must write your giving envelope number or your name on it. This allows us to claim gift aid on it if you are a tax payer.
If you usually put your monetary donation in the plate and you want to make a contribution to the D.O.G. you can do so in the plate at the end of the services.
Entrance plate would be for normal donations and exit plate would be D.O.G. contributions.
Any questions, contact Annie Smith our treasurer.
2 Cor 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.