Stornoway High Church December Newsletter


Hebrews 10:23-25

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching”.


We continue to walk what seems to be a COVID tightrope.  This year has been one of tension and of trying to maintain balance in our personal life, work life and Church life.  Maintaining balance in the face of adversity is hard going and can be tiring work.  As family, friends and work colleagues we try to support each other in the best way we can.  When our strength fades, though, there is one whose strength does not fade and who remains faithful to His Church.

As a Church and as people of faith, this Christmas time we celebrated the coming of Jesus for very good reasons.  One reason is the hope we carry with us into the new year.  Our God does not give up on us and we are not to give up on Him.  We are to continue the mission He has set us and we do this together as a Church.  In every aspect of our lives: (Passion translation) ‘let us discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them towards acts of love and compassion doing beautiful works as expressions of love.’  Let us go forward into the new year with that in mind and also with the intention that we will continue to meet together in accordance with the word of God.


Our year ends with renewed anxiety around COVID.  We began the year with ‘online services’ but were able to resume ‘in person’ services in Spring.  As the year progressed, COVID restrictions were relaxed in line with Church of Scotland and Scottish Government advice.  In Church, our current level of restriction requires adequate ventilation, hand hygiene, facemasks, a one way system, 1m distancing between households and maintaining contact details for ‘Track & Trace’.   Thank you to those who have managed this process and particularly to those who clean the Church in line with COVID cleaning requirements.  We continue to take the required precautions to keep our people safe.  We try to stay on the side of caution while at the same time ensuring the Church remains open for worship.


Church attendance has been good at our Sunday morning services and our midweek meetings, indicating that the worship life of  Stornoway High Church remains healthy.  This year saw us run online courses for Youth Alpha and for Life Explored.  After a winter COVID break, our in-person services resumed in the spring.  Sunday morning worship, midweek worship, Weddings, Baptisms, and Communion services continue.  Those who do not feel comfortable returning to Church or are unable to attend in person are encouraged to continue making use of our online services until anxieties ease.

Thanks particularly to Morag Duncan for giving lifts to Church for those that have no other means of attending.  This service will continue and, if you need to use it, please phone Duncan Macinnes (07748 332595), Annie Smith (07972 935105) or Morag Duncan (07823 323070) in advance to make arrangements.

Saying goodbye to our loved ones is a hard part of life and we will be holding a special service on Wednesday 29 December to give us the opportunity to remember them and to light a candle for them.

 HALL AND KITCHEN PROJECT: The Kirk Session’s desire is that we serve our community and our Lord.  To help us in this mission we have embarked on a project to improve our Kitchen and Hall facilities.  A new audio-visual system is being installed.  The enclosure in the Hall has been removed and a fit-for-purpose performance platform and media desk installed with livestreaming capability.  Also installed will be a Wi-Fi network providing full connectivity throughout our buildings.  Lighting and electrical upgrades are also part of the project.  This will benefit us as a Church and also benefit the community who will have access to a fully audio-visual equipped space with catering facilities.  We want to encourage use of the space by Church and community, so building bridges and strengthening relationships.  The project was fully funded by the Scottish Government’s Adapt and Thrive fund, the Church of Scotland’s General Trustees, a Day of Giving and our Curry Takeaway fundraiser.  Thanks to all who have worked so hard on this and continue to do so.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Sunday School resumes on 9 January.  Crèche facilities are available in the Tea Hall.  Speak to Jann (07985 710410) or Fiona (07484 357410) for more detail.

WORSHIP RESOURCES: Our Sunday and Wednesday Services continue to be livestreamed from the Church.  Our worship Services are available on the Stornoway High Church Facebook page, on our YouTube channel and on our website,  You can also dial in by phone (03301 248483) to our live services at 11.00am Sundays and 7.30pm Wednesdays.

SERVE: Volunteers are sought for Cleaning Rota and Door Duty.  It is uncertain when we will resume after service tea and coffees but, if you wish to serve there, please contact Alena or Duncan Macinnes.

THANKS: Thanks go out to all who serve; without you the Church could not continue to serve the congregation and the community as it does.   The Kirk session would like to express its sincere thanks to you all.  Thank you for your continued financial support of the Church and it is a testimony to the commitment and generosity of the congregation that we are able to continue to serve our community in such hard times.  Contact our treasurer, Annie Smith (07972 935105), with any questions on giving.

PASTORAL CARE NETWORK: Telephone remains the primary method of keeping in touch but pastoral visits are permissible where necessary.  If you would like a ‘phone call or know of someone in our congregation who would benefit from a call or if you have any Pastoral issues or concerns, please contact the Minister on 07717 065739.  

HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK: The service continues to meet the needs presented.  This is a confidential and discreet service and is there for community use.  If you think someone would benefit from the service, please let them know about the Food Bank.  Thank you for your generous contributions which allow this service to continue.  Cash donations can be made online or in an envelope marked Food Bank.  To use this service please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 357410.

A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK:  When Joshua reviewed the deliverances of the Israelites in light of their continuing devotion to false gods, he proclaimed, “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord”.  Not “as for me” but “as for me and my family”.  To Joshua, family was all important and our natural family is one of God’s precious gifts to us, something we should never take for granted.  But, in Stornoway High Church of Scotland, God has given us another family and over these two years of full and partial lockdown, the growth in width and depth of our ‘High Church family” has been powerfully evident with many talking of a strong sense of belonging and mutual support.  In these uncertain times, knowing that there are those in our fellowship who will happily go the extra mile for us is a great comfort, whether that’s through our Food Bank, our bereavement support or just that unexpected, caring ‘phone call.  God has blessed us indeed with His uniting grace and has sent us Gordon who, through a ministry of love and peace, continues to bind us together and build us up as a true spiritual family.  Our High Church family has so much to be thankful for as we enter a new year!

PRAYER:  Our gracious and generous God, we thank you for this Church family and ask that you would continue to encourage us and keep us safe as we serve you and as we serve our neighbour. Bless your people at the High Church as we seek to be a blessing to many. Amen   

Rev Gordon Macleod  (Minister)

Mr John Cunningham  (Session Clerk)


Stornoway High Church Easter Newsletter 2022
