Stornoway High Church Newsletter Dec 23
Luke 2:8: And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today, in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you; you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger”. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests”.
REFLECTION: We live in a world which seems to drift from crisis to crisis; COVID, cost of living, ecological crisis, Ukraine / Russia crisis and now the Israel / Gaza crisis which seems to have plumbed new depths in that powder keg of regions. But isn’t this the place where God’s Messiah, Jesus Christ, was introduced to this world? How do we reconcile this with Christmas Carols of comfort and joy and peace and good will? Where is the peace and justice for the people of Gaza, including the 1% of the population that are Christians? We struggle to make sense of this world and reconcile these things.
The Shepherds may well have had their own troubles; they lived under Roman oppression in occupied territory but, suddenly, Heaven disturbed their gloom, broke into their consciousness, and lifted their gaze to something beyond the natural. Heaven spoke truth and pointed to something that would cause heaven to rejoice wildly. Heaven speaks into our lives, ‘do not be afraid, this is not all there is. Jesus has come, salvation is at hand’.
We may be powerless to effect peace on earth but there is a heavenly peace that is offered, reconciliation with God. He has made that possible by sending Jesus Christ, through His Spirit, to bring peace to our hearts. He is, Immanuel, God with us. May He bring peace to your heart and to your home this Christmas. To all who call upon Him, may his favour rest.
As we view the world from this perspective then let faith rise. With God, all things are possible.
17 December – 11.00am Christmas Family and Baptism Service and 6.30pm Evening Service
20 December – 7.30pm Midweek Meeting in the Hall
21 December – 12.00 noon to 2.00pm Cruinnich Soup & Sandwich Lunch in the Tea Hall, then 2.30pm to 3.45pm Christmas ‘Sounds Familiar’, join us for our Dementia friendly singing group, singing some old Christmas favourites with family and friends, all welcome, Main Hall
24 December – 11.00am Christmas Eve Service and 6.30pm Watch Night Service in the Hall, followed by Hot Chocolate and Mincemeat Pies.
27 December – 7.30pm Midweek Meeting
31 December – 11.00am Morning Service. No Evening Service
This invitation is extended to ANYONE who would like a good meal and great company on Christmas Day. If any are struggling or are on their own or simply want food and fellowship on Christmas Day, there is an open invitation to come along. We will need names, numbers and dietary requirements by the end of the day on Sunday 17 December to be sure to order enough food. Please contact Morag Duncan on 07823 323070 to book your place or get further information.
CHURCH: Lewis Presbytery has voted not to join the new, enlarged Presbytery of the Highlands & Islands, known as ‘Cleir Eilean I’, and will remain, meanwhile, as Lewis Presbytery. A new Presbytery Mission Plan is in preparation and rumours are circulating about the possible impact of this Plan in Ministry in Stornoway. There is no proposal to close any Church building in Stornoway.
Development of our facilities goes on. Next year, we will instal a public Defibrillator alongside the Goathill Road entrance to the Hall and the media offering within the main Sanctuary will be upgraded, including a new performance platform in the front right corner and an upgraded media desk.
CRUINNICH: A Soup & Sandwich Lunch began last year as part of an Island wide Warm Hub initiative. It continues throughout the year on the last Thursday of each month, 12.00 to 2.00pm in the Tea Hall. Please join us for food and friendship, it is open to all. A great place to bring those who are usually unable to get to Church, or to bring those with no Church connection.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: In a pick’n’mix world whose values and ethics are confusing to adults, let alone children, Sunday School can be an oasis of calm in a troubled sea. We focus on the teachings of Jesus because they are as relevant today as they were 2,000 years ago and provide an anchor for our young people. A new Sunday school term begins on 7 January. New Year – New start!
Crèche facilities are available on request. Regular Messy Church activities also take place. Speak to Jann (07985 710410) or Fiona (07484 357410) for more detail.
YOUTH: We are encouraged by attendance at our Youth Alpha series which ran for the last two months. On 7 January, we begin a new series of youth based interactive ministry from Christianity Explored Ministries. P7 and Secondary age young people are invited to gather in the Upper Room at 11.00am on Sundays. We also run a Pizza and Film Night on the first Friday of each month, usually a 7.00pm start. Check in with Hugh Barron (07411 035240).
WORSHIP RESOURCES: Our Sunday Services continue to be livestreamed, 11.00am from the Church and 6.30pm from the Hall. These worship Services are available on the Stornoway High Church Facebook page, on our YouTube channel and on our website, Wednesday nights are not livestreamed, but you can dial up to listen in if you wish – 0330 124 8483.
THANKS: The Kirk Session would like to thank the congregation for your outstanding service and generosity to Christ’s mission here at Stornoway High Church. For those giving through the plate, please consider using Free Will Offering envelopes so we can claim an additional 20% on your giving at no cost to you. For those who haven’t done so, please sign up for Gift Aid. These measures ensure the Church gets the maximum benefit from your giving. Annie Smith, Treasurer (07972 935105).
PASTORAL CARE NETWORK: To be added to the list for visitation by our team, or if you are aware of anyone who might benefit from a visit, please get in touch with the Minister on 07717 065739.
HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK: This is a confidential and discreet service and is there for community use. If you think someone would benefit from the service please let them know about our Food Bank. To use this service please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 357410.
A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK: In 1968, American democracy was in crisis. Rev Martin Luther King Jr had been assassinated in Memphis in April, civil unrest erupted and, in June, presidential hopeful, Robert F Kennedy, was gunned down following his Democratic Primary victory in California. The much vaunted ‘American System’ was on the verge of collapse. In December, however, the Apollo 8 space mission offered an antidote, an image of a nation striving for grand goals and focused on peace and unity. On 21 December, the mighty Saturn V rocket carrying Frank Borman James A Lovell and William A Anders blasted off from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, destined for ten orbits of the earth before returning on 27 December. Shortly before the launch, Julian Scheer, NASA Public Affairs, told Borman, a Reader in the Episcopal Church, that a TV broadcast from Saturn V, reaching more people than any broadcast in history, was set up for Christmas Eve, just as Saturn V emerged from the ‘dark side of the moon’. “We want you to say something appropriate”, added Scheer. As Saturn V emerged from the darkness on Christmas Eve, a billion people across 64 countries turned to their TV sets, expecting some stock Cold War propaganda from the astronauts. But no, Saturn V’s radio crackled into life. It was Command Module Pilot William A Anders: “We are now approaching Lunar Sunrise. For all the people back on earth, the crew of Apollo 8 have a message that we would like to send to you”. Taking it in turns, the three astronauts read the first ten verses of Genesis 1, “In the beginning, God created …” The Genesis Reading was hailed by the BBC as “a stroke of genius”, even the Communist-run Radio Havana praised the broadcast and 100,000 letters of appreciation flowed into NASA. This Christmas, may we go back to the beginning, to the God who created everything and who restored fallen mankind through the gift of His son whose birth we now celebrate. “Encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace and the God of love and peace be with you” (2 Cor 11).