Stornoway High Church Easter Newsletter 2024



Scripture and reflection from Psalm 118: 21 – 24.  “I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the LORD has done this, and it is marvellous in our eyes. The LORD has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad”.

The Psalm begins: “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever”.

The Psalm is a Psalm of thanksgiving, but it recounts the depths of the Psalmist’s trouble and the reality of his helplessness.  It is not just the Psalmist’s troubles, it is the whole community of the people of God.  The Psalm recalls the exodus from Egypt and how the Lord brought them into the Promised Land.  The Psalm is associated with a Royal procession and connections are made with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem as he approaches the cross.  In our journey of faith, we have come from a place of captivity and we have been presented with life in God’s Kingdom and that is offered through faith in Christ.

The Gospel writers quote this Psalm and Jesus recites verses 22 and 23, “‘The stone the builders rejected  has become the cornerstone;  the Lord has done this,  and it is marvellous in our eyes’.”  Christ is our cornerstone, the foundation stone of our lives.  No matter what we are having to contend with in life, this is a time of year, more than any other time, when we can take comfort in the words ‘He is Risen’, and we can proclaim ‘Our redeemer lives!’  Church of Christ rejoice and be glad!

MESSY CHURCH  This continues to be a great success.  Nearly 40 children gathered last week and enjoyed a Bible story, crafts, activities, lunch and an Easter Egg hunt.  Many thanks to all those involved in organising, setting up and clearing up afterwards.  We do have a need for more volunteers so please get involved!

‘LIFT HIGH  Our new Ladies Night began last Tuesday and is expected to continue on the last Tuesday of each month.  All Ladies in the congregation are invited to bring along friends and family who might enjoy a time of fellowship, friendship and fun together.  LIFT stands for ‘Ladies in Fellowship Together’ and the next evening will be a quiz night at 7.00pm on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

‘SOUNDS FAMILIAR’  This is our Dementia friendly community singing group for all ages.  It runs on the last Thursday of the month at 2.30pm, after the monthly Thursday lunch ‘Cruinnich’. Sing songs of old, experience a little nostalgia and rekindle musical memories.  Singing lifts our Spirit as we come together and enjoy music and song.

VOLUNTEERS are needed for Tea Rota and serving at various events in the church.  Please contact Alena or Duncan if you’re willing to help.

BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION (BHF)  The church is holding an All Age Fundraising Walk in aid of British Heart Foundation.  Meet at 10.00am on Saturday 30 March at the Iolaire Memorial carpark at Holm for a gentle, 30 minute stroll then back to the Church for coffee and cake and a talk about the work of the BHF and one family’s experience of the valuable work they do.

NEW DEFIBRILLATOR We are pleased to announce the provision of a Defibrillator Unit for Church and community use to be located outside the Hall entrance (Goathill Road frontage).  Funds were raised by the congregation and we would like to thank the family of Lena Macbratney whose legacy also helped fund the Defibrillator.

MAIN SANCTUARY AUDIOVISUAL UPGRADE  A new performance platform has been created beside the Pulpit and this will improve facilities for musical accompaniment as part of Sunday worship.  A new speaker system, HD camera and sound desk will be installed with a view to enhancing our worship experience and improving our online service.  Thanks to all who contributed to our Day of Giving which raised in excess of £4,000 for this progressive project and thanks to Alex Murdo, Jack (Wolf) and others for work done.

HIGH CHURCH FOOD BANK  This service continues to be provided.  If you are in need, or if you are aware of others in need, please contact Jann Skelly, 07985 710410 or Fiona Morrison, 07484 357410.

PASTORAL  If you have any pastoral concerns please contact the Minister on 07717 065739.  Our Pastoral Teams visit the housebound regularly and, if you would like to be added to that rota, please contact the Minister.

A WORD FROM THE SESSION CLERK  Easter is an important season for any Christian congregation but Easter 2024 holds a special significance for our congregation because it marks ten years since the latest chapter in the life and witness of Stornoway High Church of Scotland opened.  In Easter 2014, a considerable number of our friends and fellow worshippers decided that they could no longer remain within the Church of Scotland on account of adverse General Assembly decisions.  We still love them and miss them and dearly wish they were still with us in our fellowship but, in God’s providence, we are where we are.  No doubt, we continue to exist within a flawed denomination whose decisions are sometimes at odds with our idea of biblical Christianity; like Paul, we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, and perplexed, but not in despair.  Jeremiah, encouraging the Jewish exiles living within a culture that they did not always agree with, urged them to embrace their new lives in Babylon by building houses, planting gardens, marrying and having children.  He tells them, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.  Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”  God’s great promise for these exiles is our promise today and dare we hope that we are beginning to see its fulfilment in our own fellowship, ‘“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”’.

PRAYER  Gracious and loving God, we give thanks for, and celebrate, our risen Lord.  Be high and lifted up in our lives and in our hearts.  We pray Lord that you would continue to bless us as a Church family as we seek to follow the leading of your Holy Spirit in serving our community, loving each other and loving you.  Where you lead we will follow.  Guide us and go before us in all things, in Jesus name, Amen.

Gordon Macleod

John Cunningham

Rev Gordon Macleod (Minister)

Mr John Cunningham (Session Clerk)


Successful Bilingual Celtic Praise Night


Stornoway High Church Newsletter Dec 23